Sometimes you just need to take the leap.

They must think that I'm crazy. I decided to switch job a while ago. But here's the problem. My new office is like a hundred miles away. Compare it to my old office, which is only 10 minutes from home, you can say I'm totally amazed, by the long journey, the early wake-up, the expensive…

Have you ever been grateful for what you have?

Thank God, For my feet, so I can walk wherever I want, and stop, when I have to. Thank God, For my eyes, so I can see the beauty of this world, technology, human arts, and see only the good in life and people. Thank God, For my ears, so I can listen to the…


God is In The Rainy Day.

The rainy day is coming in my country. One thing to tell you, God is in the rainy day. God is in your rainy days. He doesn’t leave you wet under the rain. He even stop the rain for you if He has to. It happens to me all the time. Like today, there is…

The Grace and My Favorite Songs.

For two Sundays God has proven to me His grace is real. And I have to write this so I won’t forget it years later. I still remember, the first Sunday, I was on my way to the church, and suddenly God asked something in my heart, “What song do you want to hear today…

Because God Has Made Everything New.

So here’s the news. I have finally changed my blog’s name just now. I hope you find it nice. It’s quite a big change actually. Because if you understand the blogging business, it’s not usual to change a blog’s name. But anyway, I feel that my life has changed in the past 2 years, so…


A Cup Of Tea: Arti Kesabaran

Aku mengartikan kesabaran sebagai kemampuan untuk menghadapi pengulangan, dan melaluinya. Pengulangan dari hal-hal yang kurang menyenangkan, pengulangan waktu-waktu penantian, pengulangan celaan orang terhadap hasil kerja kerasmu, atau pengulangan ujian demi ujian dalam hidupmu, pengulangan masalah-masalah lama di masa lalu, pengulangan keragu-raguan dari orang-orang yang memandang kamu sebelah mata (mungkin dulu dengan mata kiri, sekarang dengan…


A Cup Of Tea: How to survive an ugly break up.

So here’s the thing about love… It’s not easy to let go… I repeat, not easy girl, not easy… Been there, done that. Believe me, it felt just like a drug addiction. Maybe even worse than that. Well, please don’t get me wrong. I’m not suggesting that you better have a drug addiction. I’m just…


Sushi Bar.

Ingin tertawa rasanya. Aku lagi duduk nyaman di sushi bar sebuah restoran… Saat aku menyadari, betapa serupanya hidup ini dengan sushi bar. Sepiring demi sepiring sushi melewatiku, menawarkan kelezatan yang tak terkira, namun aku harus bertahan untuk tak mengambilnya, sebab aku sudah makan terlalu banyak hari itu. Tapi coba lihat, piring yang sama lewat lagi…

Kelembutan Hati Seorang Wanita.

Saat ia ingin berkata-kata, ia diamSaat ia ingin marah, ia bersabar dalam keheninganSaat ia ingin menangis, ia tertawaSaat ia direndahkan, ia mengucap syukurSaat ia ditinggalkan, ia menunggu untuk kembaliSaat ia dihina, ia mencintaSaat ia disakiti, ia mengampuniSaat ia ingin pergi, ia menunggu meski tak pastiSaat ia ingin berhenti, ia berlariSaat ia lelah, ia tak menyerahSaat…